i'm waiting for the day i get so homesick that i'll be crying every 5 minutes. yep. preparing for the worst. the waiting has actually been quite disappointing. maybe it's because i've been anticipating it too much. i guess it'll come when i least expect it. the bastard'll pull a fast one on me. a surprise attack. and then hit me again while i'm down.
whew. what pessimism.
tick tock. still nothing.
i do miss some people though... it's more like thinking about them but not really "missing" them. i can't quite explain the difference right now. maybe in a few days it'll come to me. i'm still giddy from playing poker 10 minutes ago. too bad they weren't real chips. i'd be shopping like crazy tomorrow if they were. hehe.
so this is america. it's been so cold i almost hate it. almost. the new things i get to wear made up for it, hee-hee...the beanies, the hoodies ( that i get to pull over my head and not look stupid ), the jackets (yep, even the bulky ones), the vests, shirts i get to put over another and boots.
i haven't really seen San Fransisco...the airport doesn't count. nor have i experienced the so-called california sunshine. it's been raining everyday you'd think i'm in Seattle. and it's been keeping me indoors and in my bed where i'm warm and toasty. still...no hard feelings.
Things I got to do in 10 days:
1. I got to go to grocery store. LOL
2. to the drugstore. (really exciting.)
3. to 711 for phone cards (coz i was homesick, for 711. not.)
4. I got to visit my ate's friends and eat like i've never been fed for days.
5. got to show of my slammin' skills in singing, karaoke-style. (yep.i gave in to my beloved fans' coaxing. i was that bored. desperate for aliw.=)
6. I got to eat some more at home (in between bathroom breaks and layin' on the couch)
7. got to watch endless dvds (not my choice, really)
8. I got to go to L.A. and Anaheim (and saw old friends!)
9. got to see the Hollywood sign (which was nothing really special but was fun to do anyway)
10. I got to shop in L.A., Camarillo and Gilroy's (fun! no sarcasm here.)
11. got to see old friends...pao, janna, cathie and jad.
12. got to have my picture taken at the Universal Studios (with that globe background said to be "cursed", bwahahaha! good thing i wasn't with a boyfriend or we'd have broken up by now...daw!)
13. got to impatiently pose (read: fidgeting) for an airbrushed caricature of me (which ended up looking like a caricature of vanessa del bianco =c )
14. I got to buy my first Hard Rock Cafe - Hollywood shirt (not sure why that's special)
15. got to take pictures and have my picture taken ALMOST SHAMELESSLY.
16. got to eat my favorite beard papa cream puff in Hollywood
17. got to sweat it out at an Old Navy store looking for jeans my size (and NEVER found it)
18. I got to wear a beanie and pull up my hoodie (because i NEED to)
19. I got to think a lot about the people i care about
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